Daftar lukisan paling mahal
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The Card Players by Paul Cézanne is currently the most expensive painting ever sold. Pemain Kartu oleh Paul Cézanne saat ini merupakan lukisan termahal yang pernah dijual.
[ edit ]The world's most famous paintings, especially old master works done before 1800, are generally owned or held at museums , for viewing for patrons. Lukisan dunia yang paling terkenal, master tua terutama karya dilakukan sebelum 1800, umumnya dimiliki atau dipegang di museum , untuk melihat bagi pelanggan. The museums very rarely sell them, and as such, they are quite literally priceless. Guinness World Records lists the Mona Lisa as having the highest insurance value for a painting in history. Museum-museum sangat jarang menjual mereka, dan dengan demikian, mereka cukup harfiah ternilai harganya. Guinness World Records mencantumkan Mona Lisa memiliki tertinggi asuransi nilai sebuah lukisan sepanjang sejarah. It was assessed at US$100 million on December 14, 1962, before the painting toured the United States for several months. Hal itu dinilai pada US $ 100 juta pada tanggal 14 Desember 1962, sebelum lukisan itu berkeliling Amerika Serikat selama beberapa bulan. However, the Louvre chose to spend the money that would have been spent on the insurance premium on security instead. Namun, Louvre memilih untuk menghabiskan uang yang akan dihabiskan pada premi asuransi atas keamanan sebagai gantinya. Taking inflation into account, the 1962 value would be around US$743 million in 2011. Mengambil inflasi ke rekening, nilai 1962 akan menjadi sekitar US $ 743.000.000 pada tahun 2011.
The earliest sale on the list below ( Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh ) is from March 1987; with a price of £24.75 million ($80 million in 2011 dollars) it tripled the previous record and introduced a new era in top art sales. Penjualan awal pada daftar di bawah ini ( Vas dengan Lima belas Bunga Matahari oleh Vincent van Gogh ) dari bulan Maret 1987; dengan harga £ 24.750.000 ($ 80 juta pada 2011 dolar) itu tiga kali lipat rekor sebelumnya dan memperkenalkan era baru dalam penjualan seni atas . Before this, the highest absolute price paid for a painting was £8.1 million ($22 million in 2011 dollars) paid by the J. Sebelum ini, harga mutlak termahal untuk sebuah lukisan adalah £ 8.100.000 ($ 22 juta pada 2011 dolar) dibayarkan oleh J. Paul Getty Museum for Mantegna 's Adoration of the Magi at Christie's in London on April 18, 1985. In constant dollars , the highest price paid before 1987 was by the National Gallery of Art when in February 1967 they acquired Leonardo da Vinci 's Ginevra de' Benci for around $5 million ($34 million in 2011 dollars) from the Princely Family of Liechtenstein . Paul Getty Museum untuk Mantegna 's Pemujaan Orang Majus di Christie di London pada tanggal 18 April 1985.Dalam dolar konstan , harga tertinggi dibayar sebelum 1987 oleh National Gallery of Art ketika di bulan Februari 1967 mereka peroleh Leonardo da Vinci 's Ginevra de 'Benci untuk sekitar $ 5.000.000 ($ 34 juta pada 2011 dolar) dari Keluarga Princely Liechtenstein . The sale of Van Gogh's Sunflowers was also significant in that for the first time a "modern" (in this case 1888) painting became the record holder, as opposed to the old master paintings which previously had dominated the market. Penjualan Bunga Matahari Van Gogh juga signifikan dalam bahwa untuk pertama kalinya "modern" (dalam hal ini 1888) lukisan menjadi pemegang rekor, yang bertentangan dengan lukisan master tua yang sebelumnya telah mendominasi pasar. In contrast, there are currently only five pre-1800 paintings among the top 41 listed, none of which have reached the Sunflowers constant dollar price. Sebaliknya, sekarang ini hanya ada lima pra-1800 lukisan di antara 41 teratas, tidak ada yang telah mencapai harga Bunga Matahari dolar konstan.
Van Gogh and Picasso Van Gogh dan Picasso
Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso are by far the best represented artists in the list. Vincent van Gogh dan Pablo Picasso yang jauh yang seniman terbaik diwakili dalam daftar. Whereas Picasso became a wealthy man, Van Gogh (supposedly) sold only one painting in his lifetime, The Red Vineyard , for 400 Francs (about $1600) to the impressionist painter and heiress Anna Boch . His seven paintings in the list below alone were sold for $670 million. Sedangkan Picasso menjadi orang kaya, Van Gogh (seharusnya) hanya dijual satu lukisan dalam hidupnya, The Vineyard Merah , untuk 400 Francs (sekitar $ 1600) untuk pelukis impresionis dan ahli waris Anna Boch . tujuh Nya lukisan dalam daftar di bawah saja yang dijual untuk $ 670.000.000.List of highest prices paid at auctions or private sales (inflation adjusted) Daftar Harga termahal pada lelang atau penjualan swasta (inflasi disesuaikan)
This list is ordered by consumer price index inflation-adjusted value( in bold ) in millions of December 2011 United States dollars . Daftar ini disusun menurut indeks harga konsumen nilai disesuaikan dengan inflasi [catatan 1] (dalam huruf tebal) dalam jutaan Desember 2011 dolar Amerika Serikat . Where necessary, the price is first converted to dollars using the exchange rate at the time the painting was sold. Jika diperlukan, harga yang pertama dikonversi ke rupiah dengan menggunakan kurs pada saat lukisan itu dijual. The inflation adjustment may change as recent inflation rates are often revised. Penyesuaian inflasi dapat berubah sejalan dengan tingkat inflasi terkini sering direvisi. A list in another currency may be in a slightly different order due to exchange rate fluctuations. Sebuah daftar dalam mata uang lainnya mungkin dalam urutan sedikit berbeda karena pergerakan nilai tukar. Paintings are only listed once, ie for the highest price sold. Lukisan hanya tercatat sekali, yaitu untuk harga tertinggi dijual.Adjusted price (in millions) Disesuaikan Harga (dalam jutaan) | Original price (in millions) Asli Harga (dalam jutaan) | Painting Lukisan | Artist Artis | Year Tahun | Date of sale Tanggal penjualan | Rank at sale Peringkat di jual | Seller Penjual | Buyer Pembeli | Auction house Lelang rumah |
$250 $ 250 | $250 + [ note 2 ] $ 250 + [catatan 2] | The Card Players Para Pemain Kartu | Paul Cézanne Paul Cézanne | 1892/93 1892/93 | 2011 2011 | 1 1 | George Embiricos George Embiricos | Royal family of Qatar Keluarga kerajaan Qatar | Private sale [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Penjualan pribadi [1] [2] [3] |
$156.8 $ 156,8 | $140 $ 140 | No. 5, 1948 Nomor 5, 1948 | Jackson Pollock Jackson Pollock | 1948 1948 | 2006-11-02 2006-11-02 | 1 1 | David Geffen David Geffen | Private sale via Sotheby's [ 6 ] Swasta dijual melalui Sotheby [6] | |
$154.0 $ 154,0 | $137.5 $ 137,5 | Woman III Wanita III | Willem de Kooning Willem de Kooning | 1953 1953 | 2006-11-18 2006-11-18 | 2 2 | David Geffen David Geffen | Steven A. Cohen Steven A. Cohen | Private sale via Larry Gagosian [ 7 ] Swasta dijual melalui Larry Gagosian [7] |
$150.2 $ 150,2 | $135 $ 135 | Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I Potret Adele Bloch-Bauer Saya | Gustav Klimt Gustav Klimt | 1907 1907 | 2006-06-18 2006-06-18 | 1 1 | Maria Altmann Maria Altmann | Ronald Lauder , Neue Galerie Ronald Lauder , Neue Galerie | Private sale via Christie's [ 8 ] Swasta dijual melalui Christie [8] |
$144.1 $ 144,1 | $82.5 $ 82,5 | Portrait of Dr. Gachet Potret Dr Gachet | Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh | 1890 1890 | 1990-05-15 1990-05-15 | 1 1 | Siegfried Kramarsky family Siegfried Kramarsky keluarga | Ryoei Saito [ note 3 ] Ryoei Saito [catatan 3] | Christie's , New York Christie , New York |
$136.4 $ 136,4 | $78.1 $ 78,1 | Bal du moulin de la Galette [ note 4 ] Bal du moulin de la galette [catatan 4] | Pierre-Auguste Renoir Pierre-Auguste Renoir | 1876 1876 | 1990-05-17 1990-05-17 | 2 2 | Betsey Whitney Betsey Whitney | Ryoei Saito [ note 5 ] Ryoei Saito [catatan 5] | Sotheby's , New York Sotheby , New York |
$124.3 $ 124,3 | $104.2 $ 104,2 | Garçon à la pipe Garcon a la pipa | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1905 1905 | 2004-05-04 2004-05-04 | 3 3 | Greentree foundation (Whitney family) Greentree dasar (Whitney keluarga) | Barilla Group ? [ 9 ] Barilla Grup ? [9] | Sotheby's, New York [ 10 ] Sotheby, New York [10] |
$110.1 $ 110,1 | $106.5 $ 106,5 | Nude, Green Leaves and Bust Telanjang, Hijau Daun dan Payudara | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1932 1932 | 2010-05-04 2010-05-04 | 7 7 | Frances Lasker Brody estate Frances Lasker Brody real | Christie's, New York [ 11 ] Christie, New York [11] | |
$107 ++ $ 107 + + | $58 plus exchange of works [ note 6 ] $ 58 ditambah pertukaran karya [catatan 6] | Portrait of Joseph Roulin Potret Yusuf Roulin | Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh | 1889 1889 | 1989-08-01 1989-08-01 | 1 1 | Private collection, Zürich Koleksi pribadi, Zürich | Museum of Modern Art New York Museum of Modern Art New York | Private sale via Thomas Ammann , Fine Art Zurich [ 12 ] Swasta dijual melalui Thomas Ammann , Fine Art Zurich [12] |
$106.1 $ 106,1 | $95.2 $ 95,2 | Dora Maar au Chat Dora Maar au Chat Room | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1941 1941 | 2006-05-03 2006-05-03 | 4 4 | Gidwitz family Gidwitz keluarga | Boris Ivanishvili [ 13 ] Boris Ivanishvili [13] | Sotheby's, New York [ 14 ] Sotheby, New York [14] |
$105.4 $ 105,4 | $53.9 $ 53,9 | Irises Iris | Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh | 1889 1889 | 1987-11-11 1987-11-11 | 1 1 | son of Joan Whitney Payson anak Joan Whitney Payson | Alan Bond [ note 7 ] Alan Bond [catatan 7] | Sotheby's, New York Sotheby, New York |
$104.2 $ 104,2 | $100.0 $ 100,0 | Eight Elvises Delapan Elvises | Andy Warhol Andy Warhol | 1963 1963 | 2008-10 2008-10 | 10 10 | Annibale Berlingieri Annibale Berlingieri | Private sale via Philippe Ségalot [ 15 ] Swasta dijual melalui Philippe Ségalot [15] | |
$98.5 $ 98,5 | $87.9 $ 87,9 | Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II Potret Adele Bloch-Bauer II | Gustav Klimt Gustav Klimt | 1912 1912 | 2006-11-02 2006-11-02 | 9 9 | Maria Altmann Maria Altmann | Christie's, New York Christie, New York | |
$98.4 $ 98,4 | $71.5 $ 71,5 | Portrait de l'artiste sans barbe Portrait de l'artis sans Barbe | Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh | 1889 1889 | 1998-11-19 1998-11-19 | 5 5 | Heirs of Jacques Koerfer Ahli waris dari Jacques Koerfer | Christie's, New York Christie, New York | |
$96.1 $ 96,1 | $76.7 ( £ 49.5) $ 76,7 ( £ 49.5) | Massacre of the Innocents Pembantaian dari Innocents | Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens | 1611 1611 | 2002-07-10 2002-07-10 | 6 6 | an Austrian family sebuah keluarga Austria | Kenneth Thomson [ note 8 ] Kenneth Thomson [catatan 8] | Sotheby's, London Sotheby, London |
$89.9 $ 89,9 | $86.3 $ 86,3 | Triptych, 1976 Triptych, 1976 | Francis Bacon Francis Bacon | 1976 1976 | 2008-05-14 2008-05-14 | 13 13 | Moueix Family, Château Pétrus [ 16 ] Moueix Keluarga, Chateau Petrus [16] | Roman Abramovich [ 17 ] Roman Abramovich [17] | Sotheby's, New York [ 18 ] Sotheby, New York [18] |
$89.5 $ 89,5 | $80.0 $ 80,0 | False Start [ note 9 ] Mulai Salah [Catatan 9] | Jasper Johns Jasper Johns | 1959 1959 | 2006-10-12 2006-10-12 | 10 10 | David Geffen David Geffen | Kenneth C. Griffin Kenneth C. Griffin | Private sale via Richard Gray Swasta dijual melalui Richard Gray |
$89.2 $ 89,2 | $57 $ 57 | A Wheatfield with Cypresses Sebuah Wheatfield dengan pohon-pohon cemara | Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh | 1889 1889 | 1993-05 1993-05 | 5 5 | son of Emil Georg Bührle putra Emil Georg Bührle | Walter H. Annenberg [ note 10 ] Walter H. Annenberg [catatan 10] | Private sale via Steven Mazoh Swasta dijual melalui Steven Mazoh |
$88.4 $ 88,4 | $49.3 (F300) $ 49,3 (F300) | Les Noces de Pierrette Les Noces de Pierrette | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1905 1905 | 1989-11-30 1989-11-30 | 3 3 | Fredrik Roos [ 19 ] Fredrik Roos [19] | Tomonori Tsurumaki Tomonori Tsurumaki | Binoche et Godeau Paris Binoche et Godeau Paris |
$87.2 $ 87,2 | $47.85 $ 47,85 | Yo, Picasso Yo, Picasso | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1901 1901 | 1989-05-09 1989-05-09 | 2 2 | Wendell Cherry Wendell Cherry | Stavros Niarchos Stavros Niarchos | Sotheby's, New York Sotheby, New York |
$86.8 $ 86,8 | $80.0 $ 80,0 | Turquoise Marilyn Turquoise Marilyn | Andy Warhol Andy Warhol | 1964 1964 | 2007-05-20 2007-05-20 | 17 17 | Stefan Edlis Stefan Edlis | Steven A. Cohen Steven A. Cohen | Private sale via Larry Gagosian [ 20 ] Swasta dijual melalui Larry Gagosian [20] |
$83.1 $ 83,1 | $80.5 (£40.9) $ 80,5 (£ 40,9) | Le Bassin aux Nymphéas Le Bassin aux Nymphéas | Claude Monet Claude Monet | 1919 1919 | 2008-06-24 2008-06-24 | 19 19 | J. Irwin and Xenia S. Miller J. Irwin Miller dan Xenia S. | Christie's, London [ 21 ] Christie, London [21] | |
$82.2 $ 82,2 | $60.5 $ 60,5 | Rideau, Cruchon et Compotier [ note 11 ] Rideau, Cruchon et Compotier [catatan 11] | Paul Cézanne Paul Cézanne | 1894 1894 | 1999-05-10 1999-05-10 | 9 9 | Whitney Family Whitney Keluarga | Sotheby's, New York Sotheby, New York | |
$79.9 $ 79,9 | $39.7 (£24.75) $ 39,7 (£ 24,75) | Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers Vas dengan Lima belas Bunga Matahari | Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh | 1888 1888 | 1987-03-30 1987-03-30 | 1 1 | daughter-in-law of Chester Beatty putri mertua dari Chester Beatty | Yasuo Goto, Yasuda Comp. Yasuo Goto, Yasuda Comp. | Christie's, London Christie, London |
$79.1 $ 79,1 | $72.8 $ 72,8 | White Center (Yellow, Pink and Lavender on Rose) Putih Pusat (Kuning, Pink dan Lavender tentang Rose) | Mark Rothko Mark Rothko | 1950 1950 | 2007-05-15 2007-05-15 | 20 20 | David Rockefeller, Sr. David Rockefeller, Sr | Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani [ 22 ] Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani [22] | Sotheby's, New York [ 23 ] Sotheby, New York [23] |
$77.8 $ 77,8 | $71.7 $ 71,7 | Green Car Crash (Green Burning Car I) Green Car Crash (Green Car Pembakaran I) | Andy Warhol Andy Warhol | 1963 1963 | 2007-05-16 2007-05-16 | 21 21 | Private collection, Zürich Koleksi pribadi, Zürich | Philip Niarchos Philip Niarchos | Christie's, New York [ 24 ] Christie, New York [24] |
$75.1 $ 75,1 | $70.6 (£50) $ 70,6 (£ 50) | Diana and Actaeon Diana dan Actaeon | Titian Titian | 1556–1559 1556-1559 | 2009-02-01 2009-02-01 | 25 25 | Duke of Sutherland Adipati Sutherland | National Galleries of Scotland & National Gallery, London Galeri Nasional Skotlandia & National Gallery di London | Private sale [ 25 ] [ 26 ] [ 27 ] Swasta dijual [25] [26] [27] |
$75 $ 75 | $75 (€50-60) [ note 12 ] $ 75 (€ 50-60) [catatan 12] | Darmstadt Madonna Darmstadt Madonna | Hans Holbein Hans Holbein | 1526 1526 | 2011-07-12 2011-07-12 | 27 27 | Donatus, Hereditary Prince of Hesse Donatus, Pangeran keturunan dari Hesse | Reinhold Würth Reinhold Wurth | Private sale via Christoph Graf Douglas [ 28 ] Swasta dijual melalui Christoph Graf Douglas [28] |
$74.3 $ 74,3 | $68 $ 68 | The Gross Clinic Klinik Bruto | Thomas Eakins Thomas Eakins | 1875 1875 | 2007-04-12 2007-04-12 | 20 20 | Thomas Jefferson University Thomas Jefferson University | Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Museum of Art | Private sale. [ 29 ] Swasta dijual. [29] |
$73.0 $ 73,0 | $40.7 $ 40,7 | Au Lapin Agile Au Lapin Agile | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1904 1904 | 1989-11-27 1989-11-27 | 5 5 | daughter of Joan Whitney Payson putri Joan Whitney Payson | Walter H. Annenberg Walter H. Annenberg | Sotheby's, New York Sotheby, New York |
$72.3 $ 72,3 | $38.5 (£20.9) $ 38,5 (£ 20,9) | Acrobate et jeune Arlequin [ 30 ] Acrobate et jeune Arlequin [30] | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1905 1905 | 1988-11-28 1988-11-28 | 3 3 | heir of Roger Janssen ? [ note 13 ] pewaris Roger Janssen ? [catatan 13] | Mitsukoshi Mitsukoshi | Christie's, London Christie, London |
$71.3 $ 71,3 | $55.0 $ 55,0 | Femme aux Bras Croisés Femme aux Bras Croisés | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1902 1902 | 2000-11-08 2000-11-08 | 13 13 | McCormick family, Chicago McCormick keluarga, Chicago | Christie's, New York [ 31 ] Christie, New York [31] | |
$71.1 $ 71,1 | $69.0 $ 69,0 | Nude Sitting on a Divan ("La Belle Romaine") Duduk telanjang di sebuah Divan ("La Belle Romaine") | Amedeo Modigliani Amedeo Modigliani | 1917 1917 | 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 | 31 31 | Halit Cingillioğlu [ 32 ] Halit Cingillioğlu [32] | Sotheby's, New York [ 33 ] Sotheby, New York [33] | |
$71.0 $ 71,0 | $63.5 $ 63,5 | Police Gazette Polisi Lembaran | Willem de Kooning Willem de Kooning | 1955 1955 | 2006-10-12 2006-10-12 | 19 19 | David Geffen David Geffen | Steven A. Cohen Steven A. Cohen | Private sale via Richard Gray Gallery Swasta dijual melalui Richard Gray Gallery |
$67.6 $ 67,6 | $48.4 $ 48,4 | Le Rêve [ note 14 ] Le Reve [catatan 14] | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1932 1932 | 1997-11-10 1997-11-10 | 11 11 | Ganz family [ 34 ] Ganz keluarga [34] | Wolfgang Flöttl [ 35 ] Wolfgang Flöttl [35] | Christie's, New York. Christie, New York. |
$66.8 $ 66,8 | $47.5 $ 47,5 | Peasant Woman Against a Background of Wheat Petani Perempuan Terhadap Latar Belakang Gandum | Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh | 1890 1890 | 1997 1997 | 11 11 | Stephen Wynn [ note 15 ] Stephen Wynn [catatan 15] | Private sale via Acquavella Galleries Inc., New York [ 36 ] Swasta dijual melalui Acquavella Galeri Inc, New York [36] | |
$66.5 $ 66,5 | $49.6 $ 49,6 | Femme assise dans un jardin Femme dans un jardin assise | Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso | 1938 1938 | 1999-11-10 1999-11-10 | 15 15 | Robert Saidenberg [ 37 ] Robert Saidenberg [37] | Sotheby's, New York Sotheby, New York | |
$65.4 $ 65,4 | $65.5 (¥425.5) $ 65,5 (¥ 425,5) | Eagle Standing on Pine Tree [ 38 ] Elang Berdiri di Pine Tree [38] | Qi Baishi Qi Baishi | 1946 1946 | 2011-05-22 2011-05-22 | 36 36 | Liu Yiqian Liu Yiqian | Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co [ 39 ] Hunan TV & Broadcast Co Perantara [39] | China Guardian Auctions Cina Wali Lelang |
$65.4 $ 65,4 | $63.4 $ 63,4 | Men in Her Life Pria dalam Kehidupan nya | Andy Warhol Andy Warhol | 1962 1962 | 2010-11-08 2010-11-08 | 35 35 | Jose Mugrabi Jose Mugrabi | Phillips de Pury & Company [ 40 ] Philips de Pury & Company [40] | |
$64.2 $ 64,2 | $35.2 $ 35,2 | Portrait of a Halberdier Potret seorang yg memakai tombak benderang | Pontormo Pontormo | 1537 1537 | 1989-05-31 1989-05-31 | 5 5 | Chauncey Devereaux Stillman Chauncey Devereaux Stillman | Getty Museum Getty Museum | Christie's, New York Christie, New York |
$63.7 $ 63,7 | $60.0 $ 60,0 | Suprematist Composition Suprematist Komposisi | Kazimir Malevich Kazimir Malevich | 1916 1916 | 2008-11-03 2008-11-03 | 34 34 | Heirs of Kazimir Malevich Ahli waris dari Kazimir Malevich | Sotheby's, New York [ 41 ] Sotheby, New York [41] | |
$62.1 $ 62,1 | $62.1 (¥402.5) $ 62,1 (¥ 402,5) | Zhichuan Resettlement [ 42 ] Zhichuan Pemukiman Kembali [42] | Wang Meng Wang Meng | c.1350 c.1350 | 2011-06-04 2011-06-04 | 40 40 | Beijing Poly Auction Beijing Poly Lelang | ||
$61.6 $ 61,6 | $61.7 $ 61,7 | 1949-A-No.1 1949-A-No.1 | Clyfford Still Masih Clyfford | 1949 1949 | 2011-11-09 2011-11-09 | 42 42 | City and County of Denver City dan County Denver | Sotheby's, New York [ 43 ] Sotheby, New York [43] |
[ edit ] Gallery [ sunting ] Galeri
- A Wheatfield with Cypresses ( Van Gogh ) (may not be the version sold in 1993) Sebuah Wheatfield dengan pohon-pohon cemara ( Van Gogh ) (mungkin bukan versi yang dijual di 1993)
- Nude Sitting on a Divan ("La Belle Romaine") Duduk telanjang di sebuah Divan ("La Belle Romaine")
( Modigliani ) ( Modigliani ) - Suprematist Composition ( Malevich ) Suprematist Komposisi ( Malevich )
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